Bells Beach Rip Curl Pro 2013
1 April, 2013

I have been watching the Rip Curl Bells Beach Pro 2013 with great interest this year. It is amazing to see the best surfers on the planet in great waves.
What is the best sport in South Australia? Surfing is a great sport and I sat there thinking how much time it would take to get to that level of ability. These surfers apart from natural ability, are true athletes, they train, practise, prepare just like any athlete in any sport and the results are amazing. Looking at old footage - surfing as a sport has come so far and I just wonder where it will go in the future. So, if you are planning to learn to surf in Adelaide, this is the best thing you should do.
If you are just starting out surfing or if you have been surfing a long time you can check learn to surf South Australia also here are some basic advice that will help you and that is as follows:
- Be dedicated - even surf in bad conditions - so when the good conditions come you are on your A game
- Be consistent - surfing requires practice and ocean knowledge, it is easy to get out of tune with the waves so make sure you are in the water regularly and often as possible
- Practise - If you want to master a turn - keep trying it on every wave until it is second nature
- Watch surf videos - when you are not in the surf watch how the experts do it
- Keep fit - if you are not surfing then swim, run, keep your core strength up - it is super important
Over the years I have had some time away from surfing, and although you always have basic skills you really get out of sync with fitness and the ocean. If you really want to improve have an intensive week or 2 surfing every day - then consistently surf each week after that to keep your skills going. If you let it go a month you can go backwards very quickly.
Often in our surf classes I compare surfing to golf - you have one fantastic shot (or wave) and then alot of bad ones - it is extremely rewarding but very frustrating at the same time - the secret is to keep practicing, dont give up and keep trying until getting to your feet becomes second nature.
Back to Bells 2013 - It will be interesting to see who ring the bell this year - either way watching the competition offers great motivation and admiration to the best surfers on the planet and the skills they have in the water - they are amazing.
Keep surfing!
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