Tips When Teaching Kids How to Surf
24 April, 2017

When you are an avid surfer introducing your friends and family to the sport is somehow a common experience. If learning how to surf South Australia has been a great experience for you, you can also encourage most of your friends and family. You can even allow your kids to engage in surfing by personally teaching them how to.
If you want a professional coach to teach the kids how to surf, just enroll them in a surf groms Adelaide class. Teaching children how to surf is possible; if you want to introduce your children to surfing you can follow these tips from Surf and Sun:
- Introduce them to surfing naturally – You can take the kids to the beach and introduce them to surfing. Children are naturally curious, you will find them asking for the water activities done at the beach. Introducing the sport to them naturally and teaching them afterwards without forcing it to them is the best way to make the surf lessons more fun and interesting.
- Make the kids less afraid of the water – Teach the kids to swim well. Make them understand the importance of being able to swim in connection to surfing. Allowing them to have the sense of security when they are near the water will give them more confidence. It will also make them calm and safe if they encounter wipeouts while learning how to surf.
- Allow them to play with the surfboard – The board is big but this does not mean that your kids can’t play with it. Tip: When you are at home, you can lay the board on the carpet and allow the children to crawl above it. This will help them to be more comfortable when lying atop the board or when they are trying to learn how they can stand on top of it.
- Use the biggest surfboard you have – When it is the first time for the kids to ride the board in the water, use the biggest board that you can find. To make the first surf ride a lot safer, choose the time of the day when the waves are not too strong because there will be less surfers at the beach. You can fully concentrate in teaching the kids to surf and you can also make sure that they are safer under your watch.
- Wait for them to be ready – Never force the kids especially if they are still anxious about the sport. Be patient and just allow them to enjoy the surf lesson.
Surfing is a sport done by all ages. If the kids are very eager to learn the sport it is best if you teach them at an early age. Surf coaches love to teach surfing lessons to kids because of their innate eagerness to learn. It may be hard for some because they have shorter attention span but by being patient all the time this problem will get not matter in the long run.
If you want to teach your kids how to surf but have less time to do so, you can always enroll them to surf lessons for kids in Australia, give Surf and Sun a call today!
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